Pancake Day Recipes

So What Is Pancake Day?

Pancake day or ‘Shrove Tuesday’ as it is otherwise known, is the traditional Christian feast day before the start of lent (the 40 days before Easter) on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, for lent, all edible temptations were removed such as eggs and butter, which can be used in pancakes. So, that’s it, in a nutshell - we eat all the eggs and fats (and any other temptations!) before lent begins and pancakes are a great way to do that!

American Pancake Recipe

Perhaps not the traditional pancake, but my favourite pancake, is the light and fluffy ‘American Pancake’! We have them pretty much every weekend in our house at the request of my little girl! We like to sandwich ours with chocolate chips and serve them with fruit, maple syrup and perhaps a dollop of greek yogurt too! But if you are more of a savoury fan, they also work well with bacon……..and……maple syrup! Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

American Pancakes Little Button Bakery.jpg


200g self raising flour
50g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste or extract
2 medium free range eggs (organic are best!)*
200ml milk


  • Mix together the flour and sugar in a bowl

  • Mix the eggs, milk and vanilla bean paste together in a separate bowl or jug

  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk together

  • Put a pancake pan (or non stick frying pan on the hob on a medium heat to heat up)

  • Add a ladle of the pancake mixture to the hot pan and wait for bubbles to appear all over the surface

  • Flip the pancake over and cook for around 40 seconds - 1 minute on the other side

  • Serve with your favourite toppings and enjoy!

Crepe Style Pancakes

If you are more of a traditional pancake/crepe fan, then here is another recipe to try. These pancakes are best served simply with a sprinkle of sugar and a squeeze of fresh lemon (in my opinion of course!). These are also the pancakes you can have extra fun flipping!



100g plain flour
2 medium free range eggs (organic are best!)*
300ml milk
Butter for frying


  • Mix together the flour, eggs and milk in a bowl

  • You can rest the batter for 30 minutes if you wish

  • Heat a pancake pan or non stick frying pan on a medium heat and add a knob of butter

  • Add a ladle of mixture to the hot pan and spread the mixture around the pan to create an even layer

  • Cook for 1 minute

  • Flip over (you can do this with a spatula or by flipping it like a pro!) and cook for 1 minute on the other side

  • Serve with your favourite toppings and enjoy!

I’d love to see your pancake creations! Please tag me on social media by typing @littlebuttonbakery or you can use the hashtag #littlebuttonbakery too!

Happy Pancake Day!

* Eggs that are organic come from hens that are fed an organic diet, but they also have much greater space to roam indoors and outdoors and they are kept in much smaller flocks. Meaning happier hens with much higher welfare standards.